Thursday, 14 May 2020

Raspberry Pi 4 Voice Assistant: Mycroft Part 1 of 3

(Shown a photo of a baby)
Mycroft: "Yes, looks very ... fully functioning."

Sherlock: "Is that the best you can do?"
Mycroft: "Sorry, I've never been very good with them."
Sherlock: "Babies?"
Mycroft: "Humans."

My Seeed Studio Respeaker 4-Mic Array arrived during the 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown, which pretty much guaranteed it some immediate attention.

The Seeed Studio link has some good instructions, and it was smooth sailing until the section "Alexa/Baidu/Snowboy SDK". I have Google Home Mini smart speakers and so was loath to register for Alexa. Baidu seemed like a good alternative, for in 2016 Baidu published a stunning paper on Deep Speech on using deep learning on speech to text.

Getting Baidu authorization keys, however proved way too slow so I took a quick look at Mozilla's implementation of Deep Speech, using Google's Tensorflow.

The purpose of all this (besides having some fun) is to see if I can voice-control my IoT devices without an Internet link. Also the added security and privacy seems worthwhile. And it is not like I'm going anywhere for a few days.

At this point Mycroft looks tempting, and since the instructions are straightforward, I downloaded the image file. There is a typo in the image write to sdcard; just replace /dev/sdb1 with /dev/sdb:

sudo dd if=path-to-your-image.img of=/dev/sdb bs=20M

Per the instructions, you will have to register with their website so keep a note of your registration
code on the screen. Keep following until the section "Selecting audio output and audio input".

Respeaker is not listed in the microphones' list, But Dimitry Maslov comes to the rescue:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
git clone
cd /home/pi/seeed-voicecard
./ 4mic

Next, go back to Mycroft: a quick and clean way is to reboot. Reconfigure it again with


And select 'Other'. Mycroft should now work. Here's a video of mine

Mycroft/Picroft on Raspberry Pi 4 and Respeaker 4-mic Array

Mycroft seems to run a lot slower than Google Assistant. This is because it also uploads the audio to cloud servers and Mycroft servers probably have a lot less oomph.

Next we want Mycroft to turn on an IoT lamp. We can used a few services for this, for example, Adafruit but for simplicity we can use an esp8266 1-channel relay and a webhook. We use 'mycroft-msk create' and fill in the questionnaire:

(.venv) pi@picroft:~ $ mycroft-msk create
Enter a short unique skill name (ie. "siren alarm" or "pizza orderer"): soldering station lamp

Class name: SolderingStationLampSkill
Repo name: soldering-station-lamp-skill

Looks good? (Y/n) n
Enter a short unique skill name (ie. "siren alarm" or "pizza orderer"): soldering station lamp on

Class name: SolderingStationLampOnSkill
Repo name: soldering-station-lamp-on-skill

Looks good? (Y/n) y
Enter some example phrases to trigger your skill:
- Soldering station lamp on
- Soldering station light on
- Turn on the soldering station lamp
- Turn on the soldering station light
Enter what your skill should say to respond:
- The soldering station light is now on
- Turning on the soldering station light
Enter a one line description for your skill (ie. Orders fresh pizzas from the store):
- Turns on the light on the soldering station
Enter a long description:
> Turns on the light on the soldering station
Enter author: cmheong
Go to Font Awesome ( and choose an icon.
Enter the name of the icon: lightbulb
Pick a color for your icon. Find a color that matches the color scheme at, or pick a color at:
Enter the color hex code (including the #): #fff68f

Categories define where the skill will display in the Marketplace. It must be one of the following:
Daily, Configuration, Entertainment, Information, IoT, Music & Audio, Media, Productivity, Transport.
Enter the primary category for your skill:
- IoT
Enter additional categories (optional):
Enter tags to make it easier to search for your skill (optional):
- IoT
- Smart Home
- Home Assistant
For uploading a skill a license is required.
Choose one of the licenses listed below or add one later.

1: Apache v2.0
2: GPL v3.0
3: MIT
Choose license above or press Enter to skip? 3

Some of these require that you insert the project name and/or author's name. Please check the license file and add the appropriate information.

Does this Skill depend on Python Packages (PyPI), System Packages (apt-get/others), or other skills?
This will create a manifest.yml file for you to define the dependencies for your
Check the Mycroft documentation at to learn more about including dependencies, and the manifest.yml file, in Skills. (y/N) y
Would you like to create a GitHub repo for it? (Y/n) y

Enumerating objects: 12, done.
Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (12/12), 2.52 KiB | 322.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 12 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 * [new branch]      master -> master
Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Created GitHub repo:
Created skill at: /opt/mycroft/skills/soldering-station-lamp-on-skill

And that is all there is to it. Don't worry about uploading to github - it is optional. You will now get a whole bunch of smallish files:

(.venv) pi@picroft:~ $ ls -l /opt/mycroft/skills/soldering-station-lamp-on-skill
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi  393 May 14 15:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1058 May 14 15:20
drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 May 14 15:13 locale
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1009 May 14 15:20 manifest.yml
drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 May 14 15:15 __pycache__
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi  531 May 14 15:17
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi   35 May 14 15:17 settings.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi  631 May 14 15:20 settingsmeta.yaml

The file we are interested in is Since this is a toy example to get you going, we are going to use the crudest possible and most insecure method, using a bash shell to launch our webhook. The modified file is in my github repository, but it is so small I'll also list it here:.

from mycroft import MycroftSkill, intent_file_handler
import subprocess

class SolderingStationLampOn(MycroftSkill):
    def __init__(self):

    def handle_off_lamp_station_soldering(self, message):
        cmd = "curl -k http://ww.xx.yy.zz:8080/1/on"
        answer = ""
            answer = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)


def create_skill():

    return SolderingStationLampOn()

Here's a video of the result. You will notice there is another skill to turn off the lamp.

Mycroft with IoT Skil

But what I really wanted was Mycroft to function offline. There is some talk of a "Personal Server" version, but as this forum shows, there is a lot of code by the redoubtable JarbasAI, but is not quite ready yet. 

So, it is back to my Respeaker and DeepSpeech image: we will look at Jasper in Part 2.

Happy Trails

Friday, 8 May 2020

Hacking the Raspberry Pi Model B to use with Geekworm UPS Hat

Raspberry Pi Model B (not Plus) with Composite Video socket dismounted
I recently bought a Geekworm UPS Hat for the Raspberry Pi Models B Plus and later. It has, shall we say a few rough edges. Especially running loads of 500mA and above. It often functions as a UPS at loads of say 480mA. If I paired it with a say, Raspberry Pi Model B, it works quite well.

Now I have always wanted a solar-powered wifi repeater. In the day, a solar panel provides DC power and also charges up an NS60 (nominal 60Ah at 12v) car battery. At night it runs off the battery. It seems reasonable enough: the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus wifi repeater took up more than 500mA at 5V 24 hours a day, whilst the solar panel might supply 2A at 19V for maybe 6 hours a day.

But before I could buy the NS60, the Covid-19 pandemic of 2019 intervened. Rather than wait for lockdown to pass, why not reconfigure it to run from solar power in the day, and seamlessly switch over to mains power at night. I would need a couple of relays: one each for mains and solar power 5V DC-DC buck converters. And to ensure a trouble-free switchover, a UPS Hat for the Raspberry Pi would be nice ...

The Geekworm UPS Hat worked well at 500mA, and misbehaved over 600mA: the WiFi Repeater would reset on switchover. Or it would not charge the lithium battery on switching back to mains power. Now this is actually self-recovering: on the battery running down it would reset the load and the battery would charge again. There might be a minute of WiFi repeater service interruption. TM Net my service provider certainly does that a few times a day. But this is humiliating; not tolerable for anyone other than TM Net.

My Raspberry Pi Model B Plus drew 510mA clean and 600mA once the WiFi dongle started firing up. On the other hand a Raspberry Pi Model B drew only  440mA and might just work. The trouble is, the Geekworm UPS Hat has a 40-pin socket and the Model B only has a 26-pin header.

Raspberry Pi Model B's 26-pin Header

Many hardware designers seek backward-compatibility when upgrading their designs. Often old hats will work on new models, but new hats will not. But this means the headers will have a lot of similarity. Sometimes enough to work. A quick comparison shows that the first 26 pins of the 50-pin header is pretty much identical, except for GPIO 19-21. The I2C pins are the same, and crucially, so are the power and ground pins.

Raspberry Pi Model B Plus' 40-pin Header
And as long as the 3 contentious GPIO pins are not used, they will default to GPIO input, and inputs when mis-wired and unused are harmless.

But there is another problem: the Model B's composite video output, an RCA socket is too tall and gets in the way of the Geekworm 40-pin socket. This is easily de-soldered.

Remember, an electronic engineer's favorite programming language is solder!
Once the RCA socket is removed, the Geekworm UPS Hat mounts nicely onto a Model B.

Geekworm UPS Hat on Raspberry Pi Model B
The Model B powers on nicely from battery. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Besides the Geekworm UPS I2C device at address 0x48 I also had an ADS1115 4-channel analog input card at address 0x36.

# i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- 36 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 48 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --             

And from my last post

# ./ups_read

# ./ups_read -vc
4.161250V 96.550781%

Blinkenlights galore: Raspberry Pi Model B booting from battery power

To probe it a little further, I printed out a few more registers of the MAX17048:
# ./ups_read2 -a
MODE 10 00
CFG 97 1c
CRATE ff f9
VER 00 12
STAT 00 ff
VRST 00 0c
VCELL cf f0
CREG 60 65
4.158750V 96.394531%

The code is in my github repository.

Note that the 5V input into the Geekworm UPS Hat greatly affects its operation. In the picture of the WiFi extender below, a smaller 5V DC-DC buck converter (red PCB) was used, and this resulted in the Geekworm Hat not charging. Swapping it out for a 5V 3A unit (blue PCB) did the trick. Note that when the battery is at full charge, it takes a little while, maybe a few minutes, for the Hat to start charging.

Raspberry Pi Model B with Geekworm UPS Hat, installed as daytime solar powered WiFi extender . From top: ADS1115 I2C analog converter, WiFi dongle, Pi Model B with Geekworm UPS Hat, 2A buck converter(disconnected), and 3A CC CV buck converter

And yes, the Raspberry Pi daytime solar WiFi Repeater works for now. It's early days yet and there are many switchovers and switchbacks yet to come.

And there you have it: how to hack a 26-pin Raspberry Pi Model B for the Geekworm UPS Hat.

Happy Trails